Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Abnormal Electrical Impulse Transmission!

We hear about many diseases and take precautions to stay healthy. You know neurological diseases are slow gnawer at life and make living miserable. Stroke (paralysis), Parkinson, Alzheimer, etc are all very tough diseases to live with.

But have you heard of Multiple Sclerosis also known as MS?

In Multiple Sclerosis the nerve conduction is at fault. Nerves have a covering called myelin which is integral for proper nerve conduction. This myelin is damaged in brain and nerves in MS. This results in improper nerve conduction that abnormal electrical impulse transmission.

Who gets MS and why do they get it?

We do not have clear answers. Females have greater chance of getting MS.

It is difficult to diagnose MS.

What are the symptoms of MS?

The symptoms can vary as it depends on which nerves are involved.

1. Numbness or tingling sensation: Numbness of the face, body, or extremities (arms and legs) is often the first symptom experienced by those eventually diagnosed as having MS

2. Pain

3. Fatigue: Occurs in about 80% of people, can significantly interfere with ability to function at home and work, and may be the most prominent symptom in a person who otherwise has minimal activity limitations.

4. Dizziness and Vertigo: People with MS may feel off balance or lightheaded, or — much less often — have the sensation that they or their surroundings are spinning (vertigo).

5. Walking difficulties can be because of weakness, spasticity, loss of balance, sensory deficit and fatigue, and can be helped by physical therapy, assistive therapy and medications.

6. Spasticity: Especially in the leg and back can be debilitating.

7. Depending on the involvement of the nerves in eye, bladder, bowel , they can eye vision problem, bladder problem or bowel disorder.

8. MS can also cause emotional problems, depression and cognitive changes.

Diagnosing MS:

Unfortunately no single test can diagnose MS. It is by ruling out other diseases by history, examination and tests that you diagnose Multiple Sclerosis.


A comprehensive care is required.  Definitive cure is not available but disease modifying agents are of help. Depending on the symptoms specific treatment regimens are made. 

You can know more about treatment here

Further Reading:

1. Times Crest Article

2. MS Society of India

3. MS Society

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Food For Thought-Becoming Fat

Did you know that poultry animals and other animals grown for eating are made to grow fat by giving them "antibiotics"?

Yes! Giving antibiotics to animals make them fat.

Now food for thought is  "what indiscriminate usage antibiotics can do to humans"

Monday, 25 May 2015

Which Tests Require Fasting And Which Do Not?

Laboratory investigations have become a routine. You go to the lab and wait for your turn. Some tests require fasting and some do not. In this post we inform you about what fasting means and which tests require fasting.

Image Courtesy: Flickr -Neeta Lind

What does “fasting” mean?

Several tests require that the patient refrains from eating for a period of time prior to the test.  “Fasting” means nothing to eat (including tea, biscuit), drink, or smoke for at least 8 hours.  You are permitted to drink water.  Medications should continue to be taken as scheduled unless advised otherwise by your physician.

Common tests for which fasting is required: Some tests for which fasting is preferred :

  1. Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL)
  2. Cholesterol, Triglyceride
  3. Liver function test
  4. D-Xylose Tolerance 
  5. Cryoglobulin
  6. Gastrin
  7. Glucose Fasting
  8. Glucose Tolerance (includes Gestational Diabetes Confirmation)
  9. Lactose Tolerance

How long must I fast?

If your test states fasting is required or preferred, fast for 8 hours prior to the test unless the instructions specifically state otherwise.
Fasting Glucose 8 -10 hour fast prior to test  
Lipid Profile:  Cholesterol/Triglyceride/HDL/LDL     12-14 hour fast prior to test

You don't have to fast for:

  1. Complete Blood Count
  2. Thyroid Profile
  3. Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hb1Ac)
  4. Renal function tests

You can call us or mail us to know for specific tests or ask any health related query.
Prana Healthcare brings healthcare at your doorstep. We guide you what tests to be done and when they need to be done. You have got tests done but not sure what they mean, call us.

We schedule all blood tests to be done in the comfort of your home.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Diseases With No Cure-Alzheimer's Disease

A 73 year old person, let us a retired  scientist, who is an intellectual who solves puzzles and reads widely, starts forgetting things. Slowly he is unable to remember faces and people. If he goes alone outside, he forgets the route back to his home.

With more people living longer, the chances of old age related diseases afflicting is increasing. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease is one for which there is no definitive cure as of now. We are trying to understand who is at risk and what can be done to prevent oneself from it.

Alzheimer's disease(AD)  involves progressive decline in cognition, that is all functions related to brain like memory, behaviour, understanding continue to decline.

Risk of AD is higher in people above 65 years old. In AD brain cells progressive get damaged, beginning with an area called as Hippo-campus and later the whole brain atrophies.

Risk factors for AD:

1. The more the person's age the greater the risk. The risk of developing AD reaches 50% for individuals beyond 85 years.

2. Most AD are sporadic and only 0.1% can be related to genetic.

3.Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, smoking and dyslipidemia increase the risk.

4. History of brain trauma, cerebrovascular disease also increases the risk.

5. Lesser education increases risk of AD

With increasing elderly population in India, it is time for us to be aware about AD and take precautions.

There is no definitive evidence yet about what can prevent Alzheimer’s or age-related cognitive decline. What we do know is that a healthy lifestyle—one that includes a healthy diet, physical activity, appropriate weight, not smoking.

It has been found that people who play sports or who regularly exercise along with being mentally active are the one's who are protected against dementia.

Regular sports/exercise releases a factor called as Brain Derived Growth Factor (BDGF), which helps in formation of new cells in the brain. This has the potential to prevent onset and progression of dementia.

So, the bottom line is that one needs to be mentally and physically active to prevent oneself from the chronic conditions which can afflict in old age.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Disruptive Ideas, Constructive Care

Prana Healthcare along with Practo gets featured in Hindu BusinessLine.

The link to Business Line article is .... here

Liver- Are You Taking Care Of It?

Liver is an organ which works silently. It does not scream for attention till it is too late! We all are aware of what  organs like heart, brain and kidneys do, but miss knowing much about liver.

Do you know what are the normal functions of Liver?
What agents cause damage to it?
How long does it take for liver to "cry"
How you can help yourself
What are the treatment available for liver diseases

Normal Functions of Liver:

Liver is the largest internal organ and gland.

1. Formation of bile which helps in fat digestion.

2. Storage and release of glucose as required.

3. Formation of different proteins which help in multiple functions in the body.

4. Formation of cholesterol.

5. Helps in clotting by synthesizing clotting factors.

6. Metabolises drugs, chemicals and alcohols.

7.Stores iron and also helps in metabolism of hemoglobin.

Agents Causing damage to Liver

1. Alcohol.

2. Overuse and abuse of medicines.

3. Viruses like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis E.

4. Toxins like fungus on groundnut or any other food.

5. Stone in the bile duct.

How long does it take for liver to get damaged?

While as acute cases the damage is immediately visible, in chronic cases it can take 15 to 30 years for liver damage to manifest clinically. The reason being that 70% of the liver needs to get damaged for signs and symptoms to appear.
Prolonged liver damage also is a cause for cancer of the liver.

How you can help yourself?

1.Get screened for Viral hepatitis.

2. Avoid alcohol consumption.

3. Eat hygienic food.


Depends on the cause of liver damage. Today liver transplant is being offered for people with cirrhosis of liver and hepato cellular cancer.

To know more about screening, treatment and prevention get in touch with your family doctor or call us.