Saturday, 18 February 2017

What Are Core Exercises?

You might have heard your doctor asking you to walk for 45 minutes at the minimum.

One of the problem in the modern lifestyle is lack of exercise.  Little bit of exercise everyday makes a lot of difference.

While we also recommend you to walk as much as possible, we also suggest strengthening your core!

Image result for yoga postures

This has multitude of benefits.

One of our patient who is 65 year old has diabetes, hypothyroidism and elephantiasis in one leg, has started doing Yoga and specifically "SuryaNamaskara", which has made her lose her weight, brought glow on her face and made her more peaceful!

But what is "Core Exercise"

Doing "Suryanamaskara" strengthens your core!

The best part about core exercise is that it does not require use of any equipment. The only equipment which you need to use regularly and correctly is your "Body"

Core exercise involves exercising your abdominal and back muscles.

Image result for yoga postures

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Prana Healthcare Services Convenience At Your Doorstep

What if we said that you can get 90% of your healthcare needs met at home! Get in touch with us to know more.
We tailor make solutions to your needs.