Tuesday, 24 March 2015

An Old Enemy

What is common between Adolf Hitler, Nelson Mandela, George Orwell, Franz Kafka, Anandi Gopal Joshi, Srinivasa Ramanujan?
They all suffered from Tuberculosis! TB.
Today is World TB Day.
In the entire history of humankind, it is believed that tuberculosis has killed more people than any other disease.
There has been progress but the progress has been slow. Also most of the interest in research and funding is from non-private organizations. Very few private companies spend on TB, as it affects the poor and the commercial market is small.
Today drug resistant TB poses a great risk. It threatens to reverse the progress made against the fight of TB. Sirturo discovered by scientrists at Janssen, the pharmaceutical arm of Johnson & Johnson is a step forward. But lot more needs to be done.
Effort from all quarters is required to get rid of TB.
TB can affect lungs, joints, bones, intestine. It can affect the rich also! We need to increase the awareness and bring in more technological revolution to battle TB.
Improvements in prevention (vaccines), detection, diagnosis and adherence to treatment is much required. Awareness and participation from each stakeholder is need of the hour.

Video-Jagadeesh Pillai
Image: Poster of Red Cross From 1919: Fight Tuberculosis
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