Thursday, 17 August 2017

Preventing Falls In The Elderly

If you have an elderly father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or aunt, you will have come across them losing balance and falling.

Image result for fall in elderly
Image Credit:

For people who are above age of 65, falls are a common problem which can lead to loss of independence and can also be fatal enough to cause death.

There are many reasons for falls in the elderly.

1. Long standing diabetes. This causes peripheral neuropathy and loss of sensation in legs.

2. Parkinson's disease- in this disease the muscles and nerves are less active leading to loss of balance, tremors and falls.

3. Postural hypotension, that is, the blood pressure falls when a person stand leading to lack of blood supply to the brain when a person gets up suddenly from bed or chair.

4. Poor eyesight or improper glasses.

5. Poor lighting in the house.

6. Slippery floors.

7. Few medications can make them dizzy.

There are many ways to prevent falls. Some of them are self explanatory in the reasons given above.

Also having a caregiver who is there to support the elderly can reduce the incidence of falls by 98%.

Get in touch with us to know how you can better take care of an elderly loved one.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

What Makes Smart People Ignore Their Health?

Health is like air, you rarely notice it when it is around!

Image result for smart person

You realise that you have a back only when you have a back ache!

Are you guilty of having neglected your health?

A well wisher of us who is educated and well traveled puts us in a quandary.
He recently reached out to us to get his sugars tested. We advised him to get glycosylated hemoglobin which is called HbA1C also.
Below are his reports.

As you will notice his sugars are way of the mark! We did a teleconsultation and asked him to see a Diabetologist at the earliest.
He avoided the consultation for three days at a stretch and after that he has flown out of the country!

We are left wondering how do we best educate the people about paying attention to their health?

We will like to hear from you regarding how you take care of your health or how you have neglected your health!

You can post comments or write to us at

Monday, 14 August 2017

Happy Independence Day

We celebrate 71 st Independence Day. It is a proud moment that we have made progress in the last 70 years.

But we have miles to go before we accomplish the below things

1: We need Freedom from Mosquitoes- Dengue, Malaria and Japanese Encephalitis

2. We need Freedom From Pot Holes

3. We need Freedom From Garbage

4. We need Freedom From Diseases

5. We need Freedom to Think Freely! An environment to think constructively, independently for the health and prosperity of all.

6. Independence from air, noise and water pollution.

What can we do?

1. Keep our surroundings clean the way we keep our homes clean.

2. Be mindful of our carbon foot print. Walk, cycle, use public transport at every opportunity. Turn of lights, fan and air condition when not in use.

3. Raise voice whenever you see something wrong. It is time we stopped tolerating the bad roads and poor infrastructure.

4. Promote health by education and practising  healthy habits.

5. Whenever we forward information take enough precaution to verify the authenticity,  truthfulness of the information. And more importantly will it benefit the person to whom we are sending. In digital era it is very easy for us to get manipulated by false information and images. These are responsible for loss of independent thinking, hostility and mental diseases.

Wish you all health!

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

World Hypertension Day-What You Need To Know

Hypertension is the other name for high blood pressure.

Why is high blood pressure harmful?

One can have high blood pressure for many years without having any symptoms. Having family history of high blood pressure increases one's risk for same. Since there are no symptoms in the early stage it is advisable to get your blood pressure checked once a year.

What is normal blood pressure- It is a range. Once can have it between 110/70 mm of Hg to 140/80 mm of Hg and the higher range is considered acceptable for elderly. In general 120/80 mm of Hg is considered normal blood pressure.

When are you diagnosed having high blood pressure?

Single reading is never diagnostic. 3-5 readings are taken over a week's time to come to conclusion about high blood pressure.

What is the damage when high blood pressure is not controlled?

1. Stroke- that is blood vessels in the brain can get ruptured leading to paralysis. This is a serious complication limiting persons quality of life and earning capacity.

2. Kidney damage

3. Heart enlargement and heart failure.

Suffice to say that having blood pressure under control is one of the best ways to avoid chronic diseases. 

Prevention is better than cure! You can read more about blood pressure here

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. As a special offer we will come to your home and check your blood pressure for just 199 Rs.

Call us or write to us to book an appointment. Limited period offer. Available only in Bangalore.

Get Blood Pressure checked.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

World Asthma Day

It is just not our heart which works from the moment we take birth! Our lungs also work along with heart to keep us fit and healthy.

Today on World Asthma Day we take a look at how Asthma and also how to keep our lungs healthy.

Asthma is increased sensitivity of our airway to external agent most often pollutants.

It is a chronic disease which causes the airways to narrow and cause symptoms of wheeze, cough, tightness in chest.

Asthma could be

Allergic asthma

Occupational Asthma

Exercise Induced Asthma

How to prevent Asthma?

"While there's no way to prevent asthma, by working together, you and your doctor can design a step-by-step plan for living with your condition and preventing asthma attacks.

Follow your asthma action plan. With your doctor and health care team, write a detailed plan for taking medications and managing an asthma attack. Then be sure to follow your plan"

From Mayo clinic, you can read more here or write to us.

Also work towards keeping your lung healthy by doing following things

1. Exercise

2. Quit smoking

3. Avoid second hand smoke

4. Reduce your carbon footprint and thereby reduce pollution.

5. Do deep breathing exercises. Play a wind instrument. 

Monday, 24 April 2017

World Immunisation Week

Some benefits are hard to appreciate. 

Do you know what was the average life span for new born at time of Independence?

Do you know what is the average life span for new born as of today?

Small Pox has got eradicated.

Polio is on the verge of  being eradicated.

Celebrate World Immunisation Week.

You have any queries on Vaccines, mail it to us!

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Health & Earth_World Earth Day

We are what we "eat, drink, breathe and sleep"!

And what we eat, drink, breathe depends on this beautiful earth. On this Earth Day let us briefly acknowledge the way health depends on earth and what we do to it!

1. Air pollution can lead to asthma, allergies, cancer, skin diseases and can decrease life span.

2. Water pollution in various formats affects all of us. It is sad that many people do not get potable water and have suffer the consequences of poor water quality. Bacterial, viral infections apart, chemicals in water can affect health in multiple ways.

On this "Earth Day", let us each vow to reduce our carbon foot print. This will directly improve both air and water quality.

What do we need to do?

Simple things can go a long way!

1. Car pool or use public transport. For nearby places use bicycle or walk.

2. Encourage use of LPG by your maids or people at villages.

3. Prevent burning of garbage and plastics. Don't use plastic bags.

4. Recycle waste and water.

5. Plant trees

6. Use bucket instead of showers for bathing.

7. Do preventive maintenance of vehicles.

8. Preventive maintenance of taps and plumbing system.

9. Don't waste food.

For Bangalore it is time to save its lakes, its air and itself. Bellandur is an example , time to save Bellandur, time to save ourselves.

Tell us how you are contributing to keep "Earth Healthy"

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Stomach, Intestine & Aging

Most of our patients and also people whom we know suffer from, "gas", "acidity" or "gastric" and some from constipation! Few common terms used to indicate variety of Gastrointestinal problems.

The problems are seen in young as well as the elderly.

Here we list some common problems and way to avoid them.

Acidity- Ah! we hear this so often. What does this indicate?

Do you know that our stomach secrets a very powerful acid, Hydrochloric acid (HCL), this acid is to help us digest all kinds of food. Now, why doesn't this acid digest our stomach itself?

Well, we have a protective cover called mucus which prevents the acid from injuring the stomach lining.  When the acid touches the stomach wall and injures it or when it goes into the oesophagus, the part above stomach, it causes what we call "acidity".

What are the causes of acidity?

1. Smoking
2. Alcohol
3. Helicobacter Pylori infection
4. Skipping breakfast
5. Having late dinner.  We are built to have our dinner by 7 pm. And if you have dinner by 7 pm, you need to have a healthy breakfast by 7 am!
6. Too much of coffee or tea
7. Lack of physical activity, obesity and a lax oesophageal sphincter.
8. Taking pain killers (NSAID- Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs).
9. Taking Aspirin
10. Spicy foods
11. Eating large meals
12. Lying down immediately after having food
13. Taking pain medicines for arthritis

It is self explanatory regarding how you can prevent gastritis. Indiscriminate usage of medicines against acidity is not recommended even though they are available over the counter. All anti acidity drugs have long term side effects.
Doing lifestyle and dietary modification is the best way to tackle acidity.

Now some people say they have "gas"

What does having gas mean?

We will cover it in our next post.

You can subscribe or follow us on Facebook, Twitter,  Google Plus!

Saturday, 18 February 2017

What Are Core Exercises?

You might have heard your doctor asking you to walk for 45 minutes at the minimum.

One of the problem in the modern lifestyle is lack of exercise.  Little bit of exercise everyday makes a lot of difference.

While we also recommend you to walk as much as possible, we also suggest strengthening your core!

Image result for yoga postures

This has multitude of benefits.

One of our patient who is 65 year old has diabetes, hypothyroidism and elephantiasis in one leg, has started doing Yoga and specifically "SuryaNamaskara", which has made her lose her weight, brought glow on her face and made her more peaceful!

But what is "Core Exercise"

Doing "Suryanamaskara" strengthens your core!

The best part about core exercise is that it does not require use of any equipment. The only equipment which you need to use regularly and correctly is your "Body"

Core exercise involves exercising your abdominal and back muscles.

Image result for yoga postures

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Prana Healthcare Services Convenience At Your Doorstep

What if we said that you can get 90% of your healthcare needs met at home! Get in touch with us to know more.
We tailor make solutions to your needs.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Diabetes-How It Affects Your Foot

You must have heard that diabetes is a silent killer!

Know about what it does to different body parts. Today we talk about the foot.

As it advances, it can affect several internal organs, including the kidneys, blood vessels supplying the heart and heart muscle, and peripheral nerves. When these organs are compromised, renal failure, heart attacks and nerve pain in the feet and hands can be seen.

Foot problems come in all shapes and sizes and cause symptoms from tingling and pain to weakness in the foot or loss of feeling in the foot. Complications include neuropathy (nerve damage), skin changes, calluses, foot ulcers and poor circulation.

What’s tricky is that neuropathy, or nerve damage, can make it harder for you to feel pain, heat or cold. For example, you could have a stone in your shoe all day and not know it, or have a blister and not realize it. These instances can break down skin and cause it to become infected

Besides keeping your diabetes under control there are other things you can do to avoid foot problems. No. 1, don’t smoke, as smoking makes arteries harden faster, limiting blood flow. Next, exercise daily as it stimulates blood flow. Finally, keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in check. Remember, the best treatment for diabetic foot problems is prevention.