Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Did You Miss "National Walking Day"?

The first Wednesday of April is celebrated as "National Walking Day". This April it coincided with April Fool's Day and probably got dwarfed by it. We hope that you had a hearty laugh today if not a walk!
We wish to stress the importance of walking for people across all age groups. Humans have evolved by walking. Going by the decrease in walking, guess we have stopped evolving!

Walking regularly has mental and physical benefits. And you are not too old to walk.

The benefits of walking are:

1. It improves blood circulation across the body. Blood supply to brain is also increased. Exam goers you may want to score more marks by incorporating daily walk into your schedule.

2. Your heart will thank you if you regularly walk. High blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic diseases are kept away when you walk regularly.

3. Walking regularly helps you to sleep better.

4. Walking reduces your stress, keeps depression and dementia away.

5. Walking regularly is best way to reduce weight.  It helps in reducing your food cravings.

To get all the above benefits you need to walk for minimum 30 minutes and preferably outdoors.

Prana Healthcare wishes you a healthy life.

Prana Healthcare is a new age, compassionate, caring, primary healthcare provider. We send general physicians for home visits and run primary care clinics in Bangalore.

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