Saturday 7 May 2016

Mother's Day - Take Care Of Your Mother's Health

On this Mother's Day Gift Your Mother Health

One in 5 women can have hypertension, that is high blood pressure but unfortunately 70% of them will not even know that they have high blood pressure. 

High Blood Pressure increases risk of

1. Heart Diseases

2. Kidney Diseases

3. Stroke- Paralysis.

How to Know?

Get regular monitoring of Blood Pressure after age of 35 years.

One in 8 women can have hypothyroidism! 

Thyroid hormone is required for normal functioning of the whole body.

Lack of this hormone can cause hypothyroidism. Symptoms can be

1. Mood Swings

2. Irregular Periods

3. Weight Gain

4. Lethargy, fatigue.

8 out of 10 women are anemic, that is low hemoglobin which can weakness and fatigue!

So why wait, get your mother tested today.

If you book the next two days you get 50% discount*.

*Conditions Apply.

Offer available only in Bangalore.

Call us on 889250557 or just send a mail with subject "Mother's Day" to with your mobile number. 

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