Friday, 17 April 2015

Prana Clinic At Purva Fountain Square-Marathahalli

Prana Healthcare is proud to open a primary care clinic inside Purva Fountain Square, Marathahalli.

Our doctors at Purva Fountain Square are Dr.Vandana W V and Dr.Chetak Naik, General Physician and Pediatrician respectively. We thank them for  supporting Prana Healthcare.

Prana Healthcare also thanks the management of Purva Fountain Square, especially Mrs.Asha Shete, Mr.Joe, Mr.Pramod and Mr.Bhaubali Shete.

We look forward to keeping the residents of Purva Fountain healthy.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

What Will Be Our Posture In Future? And Will We Get Rid of Back Ache?

Do you suffer from back ache?

Do you suffer from neck pain?

Do you have shoulder pain?

What do you think is reason for all this aches and pains?

Let us look at this from a different angle.

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

Few years ago people used to predict that in future human beings will have big heads and small body. You know, the reason for that prediction was that size of human brain determines intelligence and indirectly survival ability in new world.

But with advent of smart devices, we probably can do with a small brain!

Also we are redefining the way we will evolve in future. Constant use of smart phones, tablets, laptops is changing the way we walk, sit, see and carry ourselves. Our posture is constantly being redefined.

Human beings evolved by becoming bipedal, that is by walking on two limbs instead of all four, so goes one theory. We are what we are because of our erect posture. There are advantages and disadvantages of standing and walking on two legs.


  • By being bipedal, your two arms are free. These called as hands have helped us shape tools from stones to "Apple"!
  • By standing tall, we are able to see far and better.
  • Backache
  • Varicose Veins
  • Challenges and difficulty in delivery of babies from womb!
For those interested in reading more about evolution and walking....

Well has "Evolution" stopped? Of course not. So what activities which we do now will shape the features of tomorrow. Well that is difficult to predict.

Our endeavour here is protect our health in present and get the best for future.

The back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain which used to come after middle age are being increasingly seen in less than 30 years old. 

Few excerpts, 

"The survey led by the British Chiropractic Association observed that the decreasing size of electronic gadgets results in people leaning over the screen rather than using a desk, and due to this they suffer from pain in their backs and necks, the Daily Star reported"

If you do not have a personal work station, you may tend to suffer more

You can read that news & here

Our body or our genes are smart in the long run! We may suffer few more generations with aches and pains but we may end up looking different. 

Will we assume a fetal position with wheels?  How will we look in future? 

Well it it is not easy for us to know that but we can help ourselves. If we are conscious about our posture and use judiciously our smart devices may be our aches and pains will vanish!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Know Your Drug-Paracetamol

You would have taken "Paracetamol" on numerous occasions.  The common brand names available in India are -Crocin, Calpol, Dolo, Paracip. It is also present in many fixed drug combinations for cold and pain.
We highlight the benefits and risks of Paracetamol in this post.



Many people think paracetamol is only for fever. Paracetamol also has the ability to relieve pain.

Therefore it is used in

  • Headache
  • Muscle ache
  • Toothache
  • Arthritis
  • Back ache
  • Cold &
  • Fever
It only reduces the symptoms and does not correct the underlying pathology.

A recent paper mentions that it may not be effective in back ache. Lancet, News. So, we can probably use other placebo drugs for back pain and get the same relief!


In children the dose can range from 15 mg/kg to 30 mg/kg up to 12 years.

In Adults: Dose for fever is 325 mg to 650 mg every 6 hours. Not to exceed 3 gm per day.

For pain: 650 mg every 6 hours or 1000 mg every 8 hours. 

Paracetamol in Combination:

For pain control it is available in combination with Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Tramadol.  The dose of paracetamol available in such combinations is 325 mg. Dosage varies, please consult your doctor or use our tele-consultation service.

Side Effects:

Paracetamol is considered a "safe" drug. But it needs to be taken with caution in people who have liver disease. Also overdosing should be avoided.

  • a rash or swelling – this could be a sign of an allergic reaction
  • hypotension (low blood pressure) when given in hospital by infusion (a continuous drip of medicine into a vein in your arm) 
  • liver and kidney damage, when taken at higher-than-recommended doses (overdose)
There have recent data collected from observational research which indicate that "Paracetamol" could be injurious to kidney, liver, gastric mucosa and heart when used for a long time. 

Even though paracetamol is very safe to be taken during pregnancy, reports indicate association with hyperactivity disorders in children. Safe to say that use paracetamol only when necessary under medical supervision. 

Addendum: Added on 16/04/2015

Paracetamol also known as acetaminophen also has been found to reduce the ability to have "pleasure"! Link to new article here

Acetaminophen is also found to increase the risk of few hematological malignancies.  Abstract here

What does this all mean? Be careful about taking drugs indiscriminately.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Care For Your Kidneys

Kidneys are organs which we take for granted. Most of us would be aware of heart disease, cancer, diabetes but fail to acknowledge the importance of kidneys. Kidneys have a very crucial role in health and disease.

Dr. Sandeep G Huilgol and Dr.Sabahat Husain Zaidi explain in this article about the functions of kidney, how to care for them, different kinds of kidney failure and what you can do about them.
Kidneys: What are they?
Kidneys are two small bean-shaped structures present below the diaphragm at the lower back of the size of a human fist, connected to the urinary bladder through ureters that transfer the filtered urine into the bladder. Later on, the urine is excreted out of the body through the urethra. The size of the kidney should not be used as a measure of its importance in human body.
The building blocks of kidneys are called nephrons, a functional unit of kidney where urine production takes place approximately 2 million in number.
What are the functions of the kidney?
Kidneys serve many functions. They are involved in maintaining the concentration of the electrolytes (Na, K, Mg, etc). Any increase or decrease in the concentration levels of these ions can lead to disturbance of the internal milieu which then can have catastrophic effects.
Kidneys help in regulating the blood pressure. They can prevent the blood pressure from either going too low or too high. It is performed with the help of other organs and high-light the importance of integration of systems in human body.
Kidneys are also involved in the regulation of the production of red blood cells or blood in general. They have some specific sensors which detect the falling levels of oxygen in blood, which when activated releases a hormone (a chemical) known as erythropoietin in the blood. Erythropoietin then stimulates our bones, factory/machinery, to produce more blood.
Kidneys filter all the waste and excess fliud from our body. How effectively they filter 180liters of blood in 24hrs is a marvelous example of their working capacity. In fact it gives us an idea as how effectively things work in conjuncture and hence maintain what we call a normal human body.
Lastly, proper functioning of the kidney is also important for the normal growth of bones of our body. They help in production of active form of vitamin D and hence normal calcium concentration in our bones.
Hence, in a way we can see that kidneys, although seem a “fist-full” organs have some extremely important functions which are very crucial for human body. Any dysfunction can lead to piling up of waste products, decrease in amount of blood, weakening of bones, retention of water and ultimately leading to Renal Faliure [From Latin renes, kidneys.].
What can be done about Kidney failure?
The treatment modalities available for kidney failure start from taking drugs and goes up to the stage of transplantation. If detected on time, it can very well be taken care of by life style modifications and by changing dietary habits. The treatment for acute failure is usually hospital based and in this case prevention is surely better than cure. But in chronic kidney failure measures can be taken very early in the disease process. These measures can be adding fruits and vegetables to the diet, decreasing use of alcohol, maintaining tight regulation of blood sugar and keeping a strict control of once blood pressure.
Why should we care for them?
Because they do all the critical functions mentioned above, like maintain blood pressure, maintain haemoglobin, maintain electrolyte balance, keep bones strong by Vitamin D synthesis and excrete toxins.
That apart, the ratio of the number of Kidney experts(Nephrologists) as compared to its disease prevalence is very low in India, and that is a very good reason as to why we need to protect our kidneys. Considering the data available from USRDS (United States renal data registry) and from few studies from India the prevalence of some form of Kidney disease is 10% in general population and extrapolating this data to the Indian population it turns out to be very huge. And the approximate number of Nephrologists in India is around 1200. Hence it is quite impossible to get expert opinion to all the diseased people. To add to this misery most of the expert centers are available in bigger cities. Few of these kidney disease patients end up into end stage renal failure, hence our individual job is to save our kidneys from getting diseased and if there is minor form of kidney disease find out protect them from going into end stage renal failure.
The cost of treating a disease is one of the major issues we are dealing with in this age of industrialization. It cannot be emphasized anymore that prevention is better than cure and when it comes to kidney failure as well. The cost of going through dialysis is exorbitantly high in India and un-affordable even for upper middle class population.
As kidneys remove waste product from our body the failure of kidney to render these function leads to pilling up of these poisons and finally leading to dysfunction of the body.
The impact of kidney disease is very high in economic terms. Once a person develops kidney disease there are various issues involved with it be it on dialysis in end stage renal (Kidney) failure about three times a week for about three hours per sitting, the person is essentially rendered unproductive on these days and if he is the earning member of the family the impact is amplified. The facility for dialysis may not be available for everyone at all places. In case it is available, the person is most of the time limited in his mobility.
Cost involved
Most countries cannot afford to provide free dialysis treatment in contrary to develop nations where the cost is borne by the government and hence the patients have to bear the cost themselves which is anywhere between 700 to 2500 rupees per dialysis session depending on the dialysis centre.
The dialysis is not the end, patient will be on regular medications and regular medical tests he/she has to undergo which add to the cost of the treatment and hence economic condition in particular.

Patients with kidney failure are immunocompromised(less ability to fight diseases) and hence prone for infection and recurrent hospitalizations, the treatment of which adds to the cost of care and not to mention the time factor associated with it.
These are the few important and sufficient reasons among many others why we should care for our kidneys.
What is a kidney failure and how can it be detected?
Like any other organ of the body, kidneys are also prone for a number of abnormalities in its function.. Conditions like increase in blood sugar (diabetes), increase in blood pressure (hypertension), stones and infections are the major causes of damage to the kidney. Drugs (like pain killers), toxic chemicals in water or spurious medicines or any inborn defect constitute a minor conditions that can result in kidney failure over a period of time.
Most of the time patient is asymptomatic. Few might present with swelling in ankle and feet, lethargy and fatigue, vomiting, etc. To begin with, symptoms are very negligible but as the disease progresses the gravity of the disease gets obvious. What is relieving is the fact that by proper screening from time to time, kidney failure can be detected at the very inception and hence the treatment or rather prevention can be started before these appear making a dent on your economic conditions.
What are the forms of kidney disease?
If the failure occurs in hours and days, it can be called as Acute Kidney Failure but if it occurs over a period of time which can be months, then it is known as Chronic Kidney failure. Most of the time, it has been seen that diabetes and hypertension (among others) are the two major causes of chronic kidney failure in developing as well as developed nation.

Acute kidney failure-
  1. Diarrhoea
  2. Malaria (common in African and Asian countries)
  3. Schistosomiasis (common in African countries)
  4. Severe infection (Sepsis)
  5. Inadvertent medicine intake
To prevent kidneys going into failure, first aid the patient with lots of fluids when he or she has loose stools and immediate medical care. Never try for common home remedies which may lead to complications and you may end up paying more price. Same with other infections take immediate medical help.
Chronic form-
Kidney disease develops slowly and the patients might not know the onset till he develop the complications. The common myth associated with general population is that they believe passing good amount of urine is an indicator of healthy kidneys. But this belief is wrong and it is often the last stage of kidney failure where urine ceases to form.  
What are the potentially preventable causes of chronic kidney failure ?
Various causes of chronic kidney failure can be enumerated but those relevant to common public will be enlightened here.
  1. Diabetes mellitus
  2. Hypertension
These 2 are the most common diseases prevalent in the population and most of the time undetected and often neglected. But these 2 along with causing health problem like stroke, heart attack, form a major bulk of causes for chronic kidney failure and the ensuing problem as enlisted in previous section hence prevention is better than cure.
Many a times, it is seen that these two are the neglected ones and many forms of home remedies are tried.

What are the other causes?
Other common ones are smoking, infections, malnutrition, long term drug abuse and possibly environmental pollution with heavy metals. Infections causing kidney disease and potentially preventable are Hepatitis B and C and HIV by safer sex practices and policy regarding usage of blood and blood products. Many infections like throat and skin infections can lead to kidney problems and hence such infections seemingly minor should not be neglected. Various herbal products used as food can cause kidney and liver damage like Chappparral tea used and as herbal medicine, djengkol beans, fruit of hard wood tree areknut, aristolochic acid used as slimming medicine and various laxative herbals like senna, cascara sagrada, rhubarb. The use of these should be avoided. If these simple steps are followed then most of the kidney diseases can be prevented for a better and productive life.

Take home message:
  1. Regular health check up for diabetes and high blood pressure.
  2. Immediate medical attention even for problems which can appear minor to prevent progression of these into major health issues.
  3. Avoid self medication and over the counter medicine intake
  4. Proper balance diet, hygiene avoidance of alcohol, smoking and safe sex practices.
Further Reading:

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Why Do People Who Do Not Smoke or Drink Get Cancer?

Image :Canon 2D Flickr

Politicians apart, many people wonder why someone who smoked and drank lived up to 70 or 80 or sometimes 90 years, while as some one who was leading a healthy lifestyle suffers from chronic disease like cancer.

We underestimate the influence of many other habits and the environment.

We all know tobacco consumption increases the risk of cancer and many other chronic diseases. The effect gets multiplied when you drink alcohol.

This short presentation will give a clue about different reasons for Cancer.

If you have any questions, please mail us. We will be happy to answer them.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Food Safety- Is It A Joke?

How safe is your packaged drinking water?

How safe is your packaged food?

How safe is your carbonated drink like Coke, Pepsi?

How safe are your vegetables?

Do you know the chemicals being added to your food?

We all consume food to enjoy, relish and survive. We are what we eat, goes a old saying. Today it is becoming increasingly difficult to know how safe is our food and what all goes into making it. There are some short term consequences and some long term, which our brain finds it difficult to comprehend.

On occasion of "World Health Day" theme of Food Safety, we raise these questions and try to answer them.


Getting safe drinking water is becoming challenging day by day. They either contain contaminants like E.Coli, high iron and nitrate content, pH not adhering to guidelines. 
Research suggests that dry regions are going to become drier and wet regions wetter. resulting in unsafe drinking water for various reasons. The ground water, so called bore well water is also not safe with the minerals and lead being taken away from it.
Extract from article
"As wells are drilled deeper in pursuit of the falling water table, the water which is extracted frequently displays higher levels of arsenic, fluoride, and other harmful chemicals. The attendant health effects have been well documented throughout India"

Those who want to read more 
Packaged, here, here
Ground Water, here
General reading ... here, here

"Packaged Food"

For good or bad, we all consume packaged drinking water and packaged food. The chemicals which can leech into the food because the packaging material is a concern. Some of these chemicals are toxic to us. The ambiguity is how much of it is toxic, how long one should be exposed to it. The impact on pregnant women, foetuses and new born babies is being discovered with each passing day. 

The harmful chemicals found are formaldehyde, bisphenol A, tributyltin, triclosan, and phthalates. 
Formaldehyde, a cancer causing substance is present in plastic bottles and melamine tableware. 

Read more here


If you are thinking that eating vegetables is healthy, do not think twice , think 100 times! Common food items contain banned pesticides in quantities a thousand times more than the permissible limits.
Brinjal, cabbage, cauliflower, apples, oranges, bananas, name any vegetable or fruit , you are consuming different pesticides and insecticides along with them, more than permissible.

What you can do
  • The first step in the removal of pesticide residues from the food products is washing. Washing with 2% of salt water will remove most of the contact pesticide residues that normally appear on the surface of the vegetables and fruits.
  • About 75-80% of pesticide reduces are removed by cold water washing. The pesticide residues that are on the surface of fruits like grapes, apples, guava, plums, mangoes, peaches and pears and fruity vegetables like tomatoes, brinjal and okra require two to three washings.
Read more here, here

To read about how to prepare and cook food safely... here

To read about which foods to be cooked and which food to be eaten raw, read this article

Food industry is undergoing tremendous changes. It is not easy to keep tab on what innovations are happening to keep our food fresh looking and palatable. All the chemicals being used need more research which is going to be difficult. 
We need to ensure that we eat safe food. We need to question more, test more and demand more.

World Health Day -April 7

Imagine getting anything at Rs 1, yes, Rupees One per day!!

Never before offer for #Bangalore people on occasion of "World Health Day" which is on April 7.  Offer valid only for first 500 customers.

1.  Customers who visit our clinic at #Indiranagar from 9 am to 8 pm tomorrow or #Rajarajeshwari Nagar from 6 pm to 7 pm- OPD Consultation at only 150 Rs for General Physician.

2. At Indiranagar Clinic - #Oncology consultation for 250 Rs only.

3. Home visit by Prana Doctors at 350 Rs. Prior scheduling required.

4. If you have availed any of the above service, you get unlimited teleconsultations for 1 Re per day per person.

Call /whatsapp/sms  us on 9886309122 and be one of the first 500 Bangaloreans to grab this offer.

The theme for this year's , World Health Day is "Food Safety"

Below is the extract from WHO page!

Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people annually – including many children. Food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances is responsible for more than 200 diseases, ranging from diarrhoea to cancers.
New threats to food safety are constantly emerging. Changes in food production, distribution and consumption; changes to the environment; new and emerging pathogens; antimicrobial resistance - all pose challenges to national food safety systems. Increases in travel and trade enhance the likelihood that contamination can spread internationally.

Five keys to safer food

Food safety is a shared responsibility. It is important to work all along the food production chain – from farmers and manufacturers to vendors and consumers. For example, WHO’s Five keys to safer food offer practical guidance to vendors and consumers for handling and preparing food:
  • Key 1: Keep clean
  • Key 2: Separate raw and cooked food
  • Key 3: Cook food thoroughly
  • Key 4: Keep food at safe temperatures
  • Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Prana Healthcare Doctors Gets Featured in New Indian Express

Thanks to Doctors who are supporting and helping Prana Healthcare, we got featured in New Indian Express. The mission of making health care judicious, optimal, human, compassionate, evidence and technology based is on its way.
Also one of our co-founder Narayan Rao​ missed the photo shoot and being mentioned in the article as he was travelling. Prana Healthcare Enablers​  is a team because of him.
 Our doctor home visit, on demand doctors, clinics, tele-consultation, video-consultation, follow up support to specialists and hospitals are all aimed at empowering the customer and the doctor.

Here is the link to the article: Prana Healthcare Doctors in New Indian Express

Know Your Drug-Azithromycin

Prana Doctors come across many people who take Azithral or any brand of Azithromycin over the counter antibiotic, when they have sore throat, cold cough. While it might have helped you on numerous occasions, the risks and benefits vary according the age and other co-morbidities the person has.

We highlight below the risk and benefits  associated with taking Azithromycin.

Azithromycin is an important antibiotic used by Pulmonologists, ENT specialists, General Practitioners and other doctors.

It is used in 

1. Community acquired pneumonia

2. Acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

3. Uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections.

4. Genitourinary tract infections

In Pediatric :

Acute otitis media, Pharyngitis and Tonsiliitis.



1. Diarrhoea/loose stools (4-5%)

2. Abdominal pain (2-3%)

3.Nausea (3-4%)

4. Vomiting (1%)
Azithromycin has had a recent label change which warrants this writing.

The revised label advises against the use of azithromycin in patients with known risk for QT interval prolongation, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, bradycardia. 

This label revision is because of post marketing surveillance findings, an observational study involving Tennessee Medicaid Patients and also Danish national healthcare data.


For every 21,000 outpatient prescriptions written for azithromycin, one cardiovascular death occurred in excess of those observed with the same number of amoxicillin prescriptions. The excess risk over amoxicillin varied considerably according to cardiovascular risk factors; the researchers estimated that there was one excess cardiovascular death per 4100 prescriptions among patients at high cardiovascular risk but less than one per 100,000 among patients with lower cardiovascular risk.”

The risks and benefits of antibacterial therapy should be considered in prescribing decisions. Pharmacologic and epidemiologic data point to lethal arrhythmias as a potential consequence of QT-interval prolongation with use of azithromycin, other macrolides, and fluoroquinolones. This possibility should give clinicians pause when they're considering prescribing antibacterial drugs, especially for patients with preexisting cardiovascular risk factors or clinical conditions in which antibacterial drug therapy has limited benefits.”

Cardiovascular Risks with Azithromycin and Other Antibacterial Drugs

Andrew D. Mosholder, M.D., M.P.H., Justin Mathew, Pharm.D., John J. Alexander, M.D., M.P.H., Harry Smith, Ph.D., and Sumathi Nambiar, M.D., M.P.H.
N Engl J Med 2013; 368:1665-1668May 2, 2013DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1302726

Prana Healthcare provides the general physician support as and when you need. Prana is you trusted "family doctor".

Prana Healthcare is a new age, compassionate, caring, primary healthcare provider. We send doctors for home visits and run primary care clinics in Bangalore.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

You Can Prevent Diabetes In Your Children

What do you think causes "Diabetes"?

Eating sweets or carbohydrate rich diet?
Bad genes or as some like to say hereditary?
Multiple factors.

Our understanding about what causes diabetes is improving everyday. It is very disturbing that Indians are more at risk and grappling with this chronic disease which affects eyes, heart, kidney and nerves.

Well, what would you say if we told you that you can avoid getting "Diabetes". If you are ready to heed some advice and incorporate it into your living, the odds of you getting diabetes decreases dramatically.

Diabetes is a silent killer which in epidemic proportion is affecting Indians and other developing country citizens. If you are ready to follow few simple things you can help your children, yourself and the Nation.

Two reasons why Indians are at higher risk for diabetes and what you can do?

1. Avoid refined, processed and so called junk food. If you consume coke, pepsi or any carbonated drink, eat chips, burgers or a diet rich in raw sugar, chances are that your gut microbiota changes leading to insulin instability and diabetes. Your energy metabolism goes for a toss when your gut microbiota changes.

2. Judicious and optimal use of antibiotics. People who take more courses of antibiotics are at increased risk of diabetes. Antibiotic over usage eradicates the good bacteria in your intestine making you more susceptible to diabetes.  Next time when you have a viral infection do not take the antibiotic. Whenever your doctor prescribes antibiotic question him whether you can get well without antibiotic.

We need not have to wait for more evidence to do the following things:

1. Prefer and give a chance for vaginal delivery whenever possible.

2. Stop feeding our children and ourselves "junk food"

3. Avoid antibiotic abuse and over use.

You have the power to prevent diabetes. Prevent it.





Prana Healthcare provides the general physician support as and when you need. Prana is you trusted "family doctor".

Prana Healthcare is a new age, compassionate, caring, primary healthcare provider. We send general physicians for home visits and run primary care clinics in Bangalore.