Saturday, 28 May 2016

Dengue & Chikungunya- They Are Back!

It is unfortunate that we have to suffer from preventable diseases. Prana doctors have been seeing lot of patients suffering from Chikungunya, Malaria, Dengue! all due to mosquitoes bites.
The Swaach Bharat Abhiyan has a long way to go....

Dengue is a virus infection that is transmitted through the bite of an Aedes mosquito. Common in the tropic and subtropics.
The symptoms include high fevers, severe headache with pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint aches, a rash and mild bleeding of the nose or gums. There is no specific treatment, because it is a viral illness antibiotics do not work. At the present there is no vaccine either, but with early recognition and good medical management such as pain relievers, rest and fluid replacement, most people can recover. Interestingly contrary to most illnesses younger children actually have a milder course of the disease than compared with older kids and adults. However, there is a more severe often fatal form called Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). If unrecognized it can result in bleeding internally from low platelet counts, which are the clotting particles, found in the blood. This then causes abdominal pain and shortness of breath from bleeding into the lungs and abdominal cavity, leading to shock. These individuals need to be hospitalized in an ICU setting.

ChikungunyaThis viral disease is spread through the bite of the Albopictus mosquito, know as the Asian tiger mosquito. Commonly seen in countries of Asia, Africa and the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The most common symptom is severe joint pain with fever. The disease is not often fatal but the pain is extremely severe can be disabling. Those at risk for a more severe form of the disease are the very old and very young as well as people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease and heart disease. Again there is no specific medication or vaccine, just pain relievers and fluids to prevent dehydration.

Prevention is keyDuring mosquito season there are prevention tips you can follow to protect yourself:
  • Eliminate any standing water around your house outside where mosquitos can breed in pots, planters or anything that can hold a puddle of water.
  • If possible use air-conditioning or use window screens or mosquito netting at night when you sleep.
  • Mosquitos are weak fliers, so if are outside dining or grilling use a fan to keep them away.
  • When the weather permits wear long sleeves and pants if you are spending a lot of time outdoors.
  • In endemic regions community-wide insecticides or larvicide spraying can be done.
  • Personal insect repellents containing DEET can be used to treat your clothes and skin but read the label and instruction very carefully. A natural insect repellent such as oil of lemon eucalyptus can be helpful too.
Lastly, early recognition is important. Therefore if you have spent a significant time outdoors and noticed you gotten bitten and you develop a fever or just start to feel ill, talk with your doctor right away.
"Prevention Is Better Than Cure"
To know more subscribe to us or write to us at

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

What To Do When Your Elderly Parents Refuse Elder Care?

We have come across many instances when either parent or both initially refuse to take outside help from a trained caregiver.Old People, Elderly, Couple, Rain, 70 Years

This can happen because of many reasons:

1. How to trust that person?

2. Where will that person stay? Where will they sleep? What will they eat?

3. We are still fit to carry on our routine activities!

4. Which religion or caste they belong to!

5. Language spoken and understood.

The best proof is always to speak to similar situation people who have taken help. Their words and experience can be most reassuring. Get in touch with us to speak to the right people. We will visit your place, understand, reassure, make them speak to our existing or past customers.

Read more

5 Tips for Overcoming an Elderly Parent’s Objections to Home Care

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Know About- Blood Pressure

There are many silent killers!  One among them is hypertension or high Blood Pressure.

We in our clinics see even people as young as 25 years having high blood pressure. So whenever you get a chance get your blood pressure checked and relax.

Also, high blood pressure can be easily managed with time tested medicines. These medicines have been taken by lakhs of people and are very safe. You would have come across who are BP medication for more than 20-40 years and are doing well.

What happens if you do not treat high BP or do not take medicines regularly?

  • You might have seen lot of people with stroke/paralysis, most of the times it is because of uncontrolled high BP. 
  • Cardiac diseases like heart getting enlarged, heart failure, valve failure , heart attack (MI), all can happen as a result of high BP.
What causes high BP?

  • Lack of physical activity or exercise
  • Stress, stress could be at work or family.
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Lack of proper sleep
  • High cholesterol level
High Blood Pressure is one of the easiest treated chronic condition.

Get in touch with us to get BP and Lipid Profile checked at home in Bangalore for just 599* Rs.

Yes, we will come to your home and do the needful. 

*Conditions apply

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Happy International Nurses Day_Prana Healthcare

Nurses form the backbone of the healthcare system. We tend to underestimate their role, compassion, dedication, hard work.

Today on International Nurses Day, we thank all the nurses who work tirelessly and most of the times without any claim to fame or money.

A small celebration with our nursing staff in our office!


Sunday, 8 May 2016

Dr Albert Nast-An Inspirational Story

Dr Albert Nast story is one of inspiration. You can read more about it here but what is missed by most is that this would not have been possible without a great support system.

Health care requires caring doctors but it also requires Nurses, Caregivers, Wives and larger community to be supportive.

Dr Albert Nast became a great doctor even after he became blind because he was supported by his wife and nurses.

We have your well being at heart and we trust you stay healthy always.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Mother's Day - Take Care Of Your Mother's Health

On this Mother's Day Gift Your Mother Health

One in 5 women can have hypertension, that is high blood pressure but unfortunately 70% of them will not even know that they have high blood pressure. 

High Blood Pressure increases risk of

1. Heart Diseases

2. Kidney Diseases

3. Stroke- Paralysis.

How to Know?

Get regular monitoring of Blood Pressure after age of 35 years.

One in 8 women can have hypothyroidism! 

Thyroid hormone is required for normal functioning of the whole body.

Lack of this hormone can cause hypothyroidism. Symptoms can be

1. Mood Swings

2. Irregular Periods

3. Weight Gain

4. Lethargy, fatigue.

8 out of 10 women are anemic, that is low hemoglobin which can weakness and fatigue!

So why wait, get your mother tested today.

If you book the next two days you get 50% discount*.

*Conditions Apply.

Offer available only in Bangalore.

Call us on 889250557 or just send a mail with subject "Mother's Day" to with your mobile number. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

World Asthma Day

May 3rd this year is being observed as World Asthma Day!

What is Asthma?

It is chronic inflammation of the airways which can make it hyper-responsive to different things which results in airways narrowing.

Bangalore with its pollens and different allergens makes many people allergic and some people asthmatic.

10% of Bangaloreans are considered to be Asthmatic and 25% of children.

How To Prevent Asthma?

  • Be active without having asthma symptoms.
  • Fully take part in exercise and sports.
  • Sleep all night, without asthma symptoms.
  • Attend school or work regularly.
  • Have the clearest lungs possible.
  • Have few or no side effects from asthma medications.
Read more here

Treatment ?