Sunday, 24 July 2016

Yoga Benefits Diabetes Patients

People with diabetes are increasing. We as a society need to fight against this rising epidemic.

With  help of diet, exercise, medication, regular check up one can defeat diabetes and lead a normal life. Along with above, Yoga is also a potent way to tackle diabetes.

Research and studies done indicate that people who do Yoga have better control over their diabetes. Their Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG), Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Cholesterol level, Lipid level all improved when Yoga is done.

You can read more here.

Scientific Reference

Which Yoga to do? Best is to consult. But we found few and we share same below.

Image Courtesy: Flickr asganwei61

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Steam Inhalation & Nasal Irrigation For Sinusitis

Sinusitis can be a chronic and recurring problem. This can be troublesome and decrease the quality of life.

Steam inhalation is helpful in acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis by reducing the headache.

Nasal irrigation reduces symtoms in chronic or recurrent sinusitis.

Those who used nasal irrigation

  1. Had their symptoms improved.
  2. Used fewer over the counter medicines
  3. Fewer headache
  4. Fewer doctor consultation.



We wish you health. Please consult doctor. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Bacteria In Your Stomach - Is It Responsible For Diabetes?

Gut micobiome or gut microbiota is the different kinds of bacteria which are present in our intestine.

Studies indicate that the bacteria in the intestine are unique to every individual and can be considered as a signature.

The kind of bacteria depends on type of birth, caesarean or vaginal, the antibiotics you take and type of food you have. It can change based on food intake and antibiotic abuse. Junk food is known to tilt it to bad bacteria.

It is also well known that H.Pylori bacterium causes Gastritis and also a type of cancer called Gastric MALT Lymphoma!

We will not cover the how, when and what of these bacteria here.

But it is now being well established that certain type of bacteria in the gut can increase insulin resistance.

Recent research has added more evidence to this but lot more research is required. An Indian study is required where we map the bacteria of normal, pre-diabetics and diabetic patients and compare it.

Till then, focus on what can be controlled!

Eat healthy- vegatables!

You can read more :

1. Forbes

2. Medscape

If you want to know how to prevent yourself from diabetes and how to stay healthy or for any health related help, you can write to us @


Monday, 18 July 2016

Tie Up With Comprehensive Rehab

We are proud to announce about our partnership with Comprehensive Rehab, which will help in providing rehabilitation, orthotics, prosthetics and phsyiotherapy  both at home and as out patient service at Rajajinagar.

This partnership will help the following people:

  1. Stroke/paralysis patients
  2. Amputation patients
  3. Spastic patients
  4. Motor Neuron Disease
  5. Multiple Sclerosis
  6. Diabetes

Common conditions  commonly treated by Home Health Rehab include (but not limited to):

• Total Joint Replacements
• Chronic Pain
• Fractures
• Neurologic conditions
• Fall Prevention
• Home Safety Evaluations

What is Prosthesis?

The branch concerning making and fitting of artificial body parts.

  • Above the knee amputations
  • Below the knee amputations
  • Hip disarticulation
  • Partial foot prosthesis
  • Ankle disarticulation
  • Above elbow amputation
  • Below elbow amputation
  • Wrist disarticulation
  • Silicone finger
To know more about orthotics, prosthesis call us at 8892505557 or write to us at

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Tai Chi As Good As Physiotherapy For Osteoarthritis Of Knee?

Osteoarthritis of knee is becoming a common problem for the elderly. This is because of "wear & tear" and aging of the knee. Family history of osteoarthritis is a risk factory including being overweight.
Osteoarthritis is the most common knee problem and knee replacement is a solution which is effective but a difficult decision to make.

Strengthening the knee muscles by physiotherapy is as effective as surgery in some people.

Physical therapy or physiotherapy has been proven to be very effective and a new study comparing physical therapy to Tai Chi has shown that Tai Chi is also effective in reducing pain.

Watch the video for Tai Chi for knee strengthening 

Physiotherapy For Knee Strengthening 

Please consult an expert or your doctor or call us to know the best way to get help.

If you have any specific questions, you can write to us or call.

We want you to stay healthy.


Those who wish to read more :

1. Medscape article 

2. Harvard Health

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Will Wearables Help Parkinson's Patients

This is the age of apps and wearables. Along with that we have Virtual Reality and Augmented reality coming to entertain and educate us. Pokemon Go is an example of how augmented reality is becoming mainstream.

Now can all these technologies be used to help people? People who are elderly, lonely, people who have Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and other numerable old age or metabolic disorders.

One such attempt is being made by Engineering students at University of Pennsylvania. They are developing a wearable which will help Physical Therapy for Parkinson's patients.

In Parkinson's one can have tremors, bradykinesia (slow movements of limbs/ freezing while walking, slow walking), falls because of the same. It has been shown that Physiotherapy also called as Physical therapy and Dance therapy can help people with Parkinson's.

The wearable is still in its early stages and one will need to wait and watch regarding how it will help. But these are good developments.

You can read more about the same here

Previously there was a Verve project to help Parkinson and Alzheimer disease patients. It has ended but we think individual startups can emerge from that and make a difference.

There is Kinesia360 which monitors Parkinson's patients on a continuous basis and sends the data to the clinician.

Those interested in reading more click here 

If anyone of your relative or friend is battling Parkinson, let us know. We will be happy to understand how we can help with wearables, apps and human beings!