Thursday 1 October 2015

3 Simple Steps To Prevent Dengue

It is sad, shocking and depressing that a preventable disease like Dengue is causing lot of damage.

Here we let you know 5 simple steps to prevent Dengue.

1. Do not have stagnant water at home or in surrounding areas. That is empty your buckets, pails and in your surrounding areas ensure there no empty coconut shells, tyres. Dengue causing mosquitoes breed and grow in stagnant water. So, once in a week empty containers in which you store water and at all times cover stored water.

2. Apply a mosquito repellent. Safe ones are Citronella and Oil of Eucalyptus.

3. Take the initiative and effort to keep the drains surrounding your locality functional! That is it should not allow the drain water to become stagnant.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure. Stay Healthy

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