Sunday, 27 November 2016

Movember- Taking Care Of Men's Health

You might have seen recently many of your friends, favourite actors or relatives sporting a moustache or beard! While sporting beard has become cool and fashionable, doing it in November is called Movember also known as #NoShaveNovmeber

Image result for Movember

Now why do this?

Well, it is to raise awareness about cancer and in particular about Prostate and Testicular cancer.  One of the other larger goals is to prevent men from dying young!

While as prostate cancer does not usually kill young people, it is a common cancer among men and one needs to be aware of it,  especially post 50 years.

Testicular cancer happens in young men and it is completely curable cancer. To know more write to us and we will be happy to answer your specific questions.

Other causes which make young men to die are

1. Cardiac- heart related problmes.

2. Diabetes

3. Accidents

All three are preventable and it is necessary that both men and women work together to reduce young deaths!

Now coming back to Movember!

If you have saved money by not shaving, you can use it to help someone's health. Also participate as volunteer to help raise awareness about health issues or spend time with elderly. Contact us to know more.

Take care.


Thursday, 17 November 2016

Breast Cancer & Resistance Training

Breast cancer which commonly happens in women (and if you thought it does not happen to men, you need to correct your assumption!) can make a women change in many ways.
Image result for breast cancer
                            Image Courtesy: Mort-Death-DeviantArt
The disease and the treatment can have certain affects which make the body and bone composition to change.

The decreased bone mineral density can cause osteopenia and osteoporosis. 

What is Osteopenia?

Osteopenia refers to bone density that is lower than normal peak density but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis. Bone density is a measurement of how dense and strong the bones are. If your bone density is low compared to normal peak density, you are said to have osteopenia.

What is Osteoporosis?

The body constantly absorbs and replaces bone tissue. With osteoporosis, new bone creation doesn't keep up with old bone removal.
Many people have no symptoms until they have a bone fracture.
Treatment includes medications, healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise to help prevent bone loss or strengthen already weak bones.

What Does Cancer Treatment Do For Bone Mineral Density (BMD)?

Chemotherapy can impact the size of the osteoids, which reduces bone formation and bone size.
Cancer treatment in breast cancer can cause 80% of women to lose bone.  Also cancer and osteoporosis can increase risk of falls and fractures!

How Do Prevent & Treat?

Bisphosphonates , a class of drugs, which are either given through injection or oral tablets can reduce osteopenia and osteoporosis. 

More Importantly.

Exercise, walking are popular and helpful but you also need resistance training. 

What is Resistance Training?

Resistance exercise is any form of exercise that forces your skeletal muscles (not the involuntary muscles of your heart, lungs, etc.) to contract. An external resistance (such as heavy weights) is used to cause the contractions, and those contractions lead to increases in muscular mass, strength, endurance and tone. What can you use for that external resistance? Why, anything you want! You can use dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, your body weight, bottles of water, bricks -- the list goes on and on! As long as the weight causes muscular contractions, it counts as resistance exercise. 

Types of Resistance Exercise 
There are three basic types of resistance exercises:
  1. Bodyweight -- This uses only your body weight to force your muscles to contract. It includes exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and squats.
  2. Free Weights -- Using dumbbells, barbells and kettlebells helps to increase the strain placed on your muscles, forcing those contractions and building muscle. Free weight training is considered the most effective form of resistance exercise, as it engages secondary muscles (stabilizers) and leads to more effective muscle growth.
  3. Weight Machines -- Every gym has dozens of weight machines--Pec Deck, Cable Machine, Leg Extension machine, etc. Weight machines are not as effective as free weights, but they are a safer alternative for those who are new to resistance training.
To know more you can read here 

We provide RightPhysio@home or RightDietician@home or RightLab@home, just call +91 8892505557.
Or visit

Joint Pains & Osteoarthritis-How To Help Oneself

Osteoarthritis has become a very common problem. Osteoarthritis is joint damage because of wear and tear. It normally sets in old age but symptoms can start as early as 40 or 45 years old.

The major distressing thing is that they have pain. This pain can range from being moderate to very severe.

Doing physiotherapy and regular self exercises is extremely beneficial. Others ways to help oneself are given below.

  1. Reduce Weight, Reduce Pressure On Your Joints:Your weight can make a staggering difference to pain levels, and every kilogram really does count. Researchers have found that a 10% reduction in body weight could mean a 50% reduction in painThe same study found that 38% of participants recorded little to no pain after losing weight. Some small diet and exercise adjustments today could drastically improve your quality of life tomorrow. Get in touch with us to consult a Dietician.
  2. Having Omega 3 Fatty Acid Rich Diet: They prevent tissue damage and reduce inflammation.
  3. Exercise: Regular activity is an essential part of life with osteoarthritis – but when pain is there doing anything becomes difficult.  So doing easy, comfortable  exercise is something to aim for, whether it’s a social exercise class or a regular walk. To keep bones strong one needs to do weight bearing exercises. Exercise in water is a great way to reduce pressure on joints and minimise injuries due to exercise. So get into swimming pool and get some movements there.  Drink water to stay hydrated, it helps keep your joints moving.
  4. Sleep, sleep and sleep: Simple truth is if we sleep less we feel more pain in the morning. So use all tricks and trade to sleep better. 
We wish you health always.

If in case you need a Physiotherapist at home or Dietician Consultation @ home or Blood Investigations @ home, just call +91 8892505557.
Or visist

Thursday, 29 September 2016

WORLD HEART DAY 2016_ Be The Boss

By this time you should have heard that today, September 29 is World Heart Day! What did you do after knowing that today is World Heart Day?

Do you know what affects our heart? How to keep our heart healthy?

Simple things first.

  1. Walking, jogging, running, skipping- any form of exercise which is called aerobic activity helps heart. The heart gets nourished by development of new blood vessels to heart. 
  2. Quit tobacco and alcohol.
  3. Eat healthy. Limit processed food especially soda drinks, burger, french fries.
  4. Work towards having a healthy working environment. If you have a toxic boss, change your team or change your job. 
  5. If you are the boss, work towards keeping your team healthy and be a nice boss!

World Heart Day may come once a year but remember your heart beats everyday! Thank it everyday and help it to stay healthy. 

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Does Having Wholesome Indian Diet Keep Alzheimer's At Bay?

With an ever increasing aging population we will be seeing lot of people battling Parkinson's , Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Cancer.

Image result for indian food
Is there something which can be done to protect oneself from these deadly diseases?


  1. Good diet. But what is a good diet? Traditional Indian food ? 
  2. Exercise
  3. Stress free life

Let us focus on food.

A recent study has found that western diet increases the risk for Alzheimer's.

US Diet- Highest Risk

Mediterranean Diet- 50% Less Risk

Indian Diet- 50% less than Mediterraneans! 

We of course need more holistic research and data gathering from across the country.

You may read the news article here

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Yoga Benefits Diabetes Patients

People with diabetes are increasing. We as a society need to fight against this rising epidemic.

With  help of diet, exercise, medication, regular check up one can defeat diabetes and lead a normal life. Along with above, Yoga is also a potent way to tackle diabetes.

Research and studies done indicate that people who do Yoga have better control over their diabetes. Their Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG), Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Cholesterol level, Lipid level all improved when Yoga is done.

You can read more here.

Scientific Reference

Which Yoga to do? Best is to consult. But we found few and we share same below.

Image Courtesy: Flickr asganwei61

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Steam Inhalation & Nasal Irrigation For Sinusitis

Sinusitis can be a chronic and recurring problem. This can be troublesome and decrease the quality of life.

Steam inhalation is helpful in acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis by reducing the headache.

Nasal irrigation reduces symtoms in chronic or recurrent sinusitis.

Those who used nasal irrigation

  1. Had their symptoms improved.
  2. Used fewer over the counter medicines
  3. Fewer headache
  4. Fewer doctor consultation.



We wish you health. Please consult doctor. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Bacteria In Your Stomach - Is It Responsible For Diabetes?

Gut micobiome or gut microbiota is the different kinds of bacteria which are present in our intestine.

Studies indicate that the bacteria in the intestine are unique to every individual and can be considered as a signature.

The kind of bacteria depends on type of birth, caesarean or vaginal, the antibiotics you take and type of food you have. It can change based on food intake and antibiotic abuse. Junk food is known to tilt it to bad bacteria.

It is also well known that H.Pylori bacterium causes Gastritis and also a type of cancer called Gastric MALT Lymphoma!

We will not cover the how, when and what of these bacteria here.

But it is now being well established that certain type of bacteria in the gut can increase insulin resistance.

Recent research has added more evidence to this but lot more research is required. An Indian study is required where we map the bacteria of normal, pre-diabetics and diabetic patients and compare it.

Till then, focus on what can be controlled!

Eat healthy- vegatables!

You can read more :

1. Forbes

2. Medscape

If you want to know how to prevent yourself from diabetes and how to stay healthy or for any health related help, you can write to us @


Monday, 18 July 2016

Tie Up With Comprehensive Rehab

We are proud to announce about our partnership with Comprehensive Rehab, which will help in providing rehabilitation, orthotics, prosthetics and phsyiotherapy  both at home and as out patient service at Rajajinagar.

This partnership will help the following people:

  1. Stroke/paralysis patients
  2. Amputation patients
  3. Spastic patients
  4. Motor Neuron Disease
  5. Multiple Sclerosis
  6. Diabetes

Common conditions  commonly treated by Home Health Rehab include (but not limited to):

• Total Joint Replacements
• Chronic Pain
• Fractures
• Neurologic conditions
• Fall Prevention
• Home Safety Evaluations

What is Prosthesis?

The branch concerning making and fitting of artificial body parts.

  • Above the knee amputations
  • Below the knee amputations
  • Hip disarticulation
  • Partial foot prosthesis
  • Ankle disarticulation
  • Above elbow amputation
  • Below elbow amputation
  • Wrist disarticulation
  • Silicone finger
To know more about orthotics, prosthesis call us at 8892505557 or write to us at

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Tai Chi As Good As Physiotherapy For Osteoarthritis Of Knee?

Osteoarthritis of knee is becoming a common problem for the elderly. This is because of "wear & tear" and aging of the knee. Family history of osteoarthritis is a risk factory including being overweight.
Osteoarthritis is the most common knee problem and knee replacement is a solution which is effective but a difficult decision to make.

Strengthening the knee muscles by physiotherapy is as effective as surgery in some people.

Physical therapy or physiotherapy has been proven to be very effective and a new study comparing physical therapy to Tai Chi has shown that Tai Chi is also effective in reducing pain.

Watch the video for Tai Chi for knee strengthening 

Physiotherapy For Knee Strengthening 

Please consult an expert or your doctor or call us to know the best way to get help.

If you have any specific questions, you can write to us or call.

We want you to stay healthy.


Those who wish to read more :

1. Medscape article 

2. Harvard Health

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Will Wearables Help Parkinson's Patients

This is the age of apps and wearables. Along with that we have Virtual Reality and Augmented reality coming to entertain and educate us. Pokemon Go is an example of how augmented reality is becoming mainstream.

Now can all these technologies be used to help people? People who are elderly, lonely, people who have Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and other numerable old age or metabolic disorders.

One such attempt is being made by Engineering students at University of Pennsylvania. They are developing a wearable which will help Physical Therapy for Parkinson's patients.

In Parkinson's one can have tremors, bradykinesia (slow movements of limbs/ freezing while walking, slow walking), falls because of the same. It has been shown that Physiotherapy also called as Physical therapy and Dance therapy can help people with Parkinson's.

The wearable is still in its early stages and one will need to wait and watch regarding how it will help. But these are good developments.

You can read more about the same here

Previously there was a Verve project to help Parkinson and Alzheimer disease patients. It has ended but we think individual startups can emerge from that and make a difference.

There is Kinesia360 which monitors Parkinson's patients on a continuous basis and sends the data to the clinician.

Those interested in reading more click here 

If anyone of your relative or friend is battling Parkinson, let us know. We will be happy to understand how we can help with wearables, apps and human beings!

Thursday, 30 June 2016

The Biggest Curable Disease?

Somethings gather more attention and resources and they need not necessarily be the most impactful.

We know the war against AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes and united we are making progress in these areas.

World is changing and with changing technology we have newer diseases to battle. One of them which is not obvious but important to tackle is "Myopia".

Myopia or nearsightedness is a condition where one cannot see distant things clearly. Example school children not able to read boards clearly.

Image result for kid in a classroom

Incredibly, estimates are that by 2050 more than 5 billion people will have myopia, nearly 50% of the projected global population. More than half of those people won’t get the treatment they need. And the consequence is far more than just inconvenience: educational outcomes, road safety and long-term health are all tied up in the problem of uncorrected vision. Myopia is also associated with serious eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and myopic macular degeneration, which can all cause irreversible blindness.

Use of electronic gadgets is believed to increase myopia.

And "Myopia" is easily corrected with glasses! Please visit Optometrist or Ophthalmologist.

Read the full article here



Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Does Change Of Weather Increase Risk Of Falling Sick?

Does sudden change in weather cause one to fall sick?

Does getting drenched in rain cause one to fall ill?

Does cold weather increase risk of cold & cough?

We constantly hear that change of weather is responsible for illness, but how true is it?

Cool weather can help in survival and replication of few viruses but that is not sufficient by itself to cause increase in illnesses.

By blaming the weather we are abdicating our responsibility. Most often the increase in illnesses is because of lack of precautions from our side.

  1. Increase in episodes of cold and cough could be because of increased virus transmission among school kids who can bring it into the home. Handshakes are the most common way in which these viruses get transferred. So washing our hands is mandatory!
  2. Certain increase in cold could be because of allergies and asthma. Your primary care physician should be able to diagnose this, if you are having repeated cold & cough symptoms.
  3. Increase in fever like malaria, dengue and typhoid are all preventable. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and areas where garbage is dumped. These are preventable!! 
  4. Few people who sleep less hours and are chronically stressed can have their immunity lowered. This can also increase the risk of infections. Sleeping for 8 hours and exercising is shown to reduce the rate of infections.

Hope this article equips you to stay healthy!

We have Tele health packages and stay healthy packages. Get in touch with us to know more. 

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Dengue & Chikungunya- They Are Back!

It is unfortunate that we have to suffer from preventable diseases. Prana doctors have been seeing lot of patients suffering from Chikungunya, Malaria, Dengue! all due to mosquitoes bites.
The Swaach Bharat Abhiyan has a long way to go....

Dengue is a virus infection that is transmitted through the bite of an Aedes mosquito. Common in the tropic and subtropics.
The symptoms include high fevers, severe headache with pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint aches, a rash and mild bleeding of the nose or gums. There is no specific treatment, because it is a viral illness antibiotics do not work. At the present there is no vaccine either, but with early recognition and good medical management such as pain relievers, rest and fluid replacement, most people can recover. Interestingly contrary to most illnesses younger children actually have a milder course of the disease than compared with older kids and adults. However, there is a more severe often fatal form called Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). If unrecognized it can result in bleeding internally from low platelet counts, which are the clotting particles, found in the blood. This then causes abdominal pain and shortness of breath from bleeding into the lungs and abdominal cavity, leading to shock. These individuals need to be hospitalized in an ICU setting.

ChikungunyaThis viral disease is spread through the bite of the Albopictus mosquito, know as the Asian tiger mosquito. Commonly seen in countries of Asia, Africa and the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The most common symptom is severe joint pain with fever. The disease is not often fatal but the pain is extremely severe can be disabling. Those at risk for a more severe form of the disease are the very old and very young as well as people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease and heart disease. Again there is no specific medication or vaccine, just pain relievers and fluids to prevent dehydration.

Prevention is keyDuring mosquito season there are prevention tips you can follow to protect yourself:
  • Eliminate any standing water around your house outside where mosquitos can breed in pots, planters or anything that can hold a puddle of water.
  • If possible use air-conditioning or use window screens or mosquito netting at night when you sleep.
  • Mosquitos are weak fliers, so if are outside dining or grilling use a fan to keep them away.
  • When the weather permits wear long sleeves and pants if you are spending a lot of time outdoors.
  • In endemic regions community-wide insecticides or larvicide spraying can be done.
  • Personal insect repellents containing DEET can be used to treat your clothes and skin but read the label and instruction very carefully. A natural insect repellent such as oil of lemon eucalyptus can be helpful too.
Lastly, early recognition is important. Therefore if you have spent a significant time outdoors and noticed you gotten bitten and you develop a fever or just start to feel ill, talk with your doctor right away.
"Prevention Is Better Than Cure"
To know more subscribe to us or write to us at

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

What To Do When Your Elderly Parents Refuse Elder Care?

We have come across many instances when either parent or both initially refuse to take outside help from a trained caregiver.Old People, Elderly, Couple, Rain, 70 Years

This can happen because of many reasons:

1. How to trust that person?

2. Where will that person stay? Where will they sleep? What will they eat?

3. We are still fit to carry on our routine activities!

4. Which religion or caste they belong to!

5. Language spoken and understood.

The best proof is always to speak to similar situation people who have taken help. Their words and experience can be most reassuring. Get in touch with us to speak to the right people. We will visit your place, understand, reassure, make them speak to our existing or past customers.

Read more

5 Tips for Overcoming an Elderly Parent’s Objections to Home Care

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Know About- Blood Pressure

There are many silent killers!  One among them is hypertension or high Blood Pressure.

We in our clinics see even people as young as 25 years having high blood pressure. So whenever you get a chance get your blood pressure checked and relax.

Also, high blood pressure can be easily managed with time tested medicines. These medicines have been taken by lakhs of people and are very safe. You would have come across who are BP medication for more than 20-40 years and are doing well.

What happens if you do not treat high BP or do not take medicines regularly?

  • You might have seen lot of people with stroke/paralysis, most of the times it is because of uncontrolled high BP. 
  • Cardiac diseases like heart getting enlarged, heart failure, valve failure , heart attack (MI), all can happen as a result of high BP.
What causes high BP?

  • Lack of physical activity or exercise
  • Stress, stress could be at work or family.
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Lack of proper sleep
  • High cholesterol level
High Blood Pressure is one of the easiest treated chronic condition.

Get in touch with us to get BP and Lipid Profile checked at home in Bangalore for just 599* Rs.

Yes, we will come to your home and do the needful. 

*Conditions apply

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Happy International Nurses Day_Prana Healthcare

Nurses form the backbone of the healthcare system. We tend to underestimate their role, compassion, dedication, hard work.

Today on International Nurses Day, we thank all the nurses who work tirelessly and most of the times without any claim to fame or money.

A small celebration with our nursing staff in our office!


Sunday, 8 May 2016

Dr Albert Nast-An Inspirational Story

Dr Albert Nast story is one of inspiration. You can read more about it here but what is missed by most is that this would not have been possible without a great support system.

Health care requires caring doctors but it also requires Nurses, Caregivers, Wives and larger community to be supportive.

Dr Albert Nast became a great doctor even after he became blind because he was supported by his wife and nurses.

We have your well being at heart and we trust you stay healthy always.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Mother's Day - Take Care Of Your Mother's Health

On this Mother's Day Gift Your Mother Health

One in 5 women can have hypertension, that is high blood pressure but unfortunately 70% of them will not even know that they have high blood pressure. 

High Blood Pressure increases risk of

1. Heart Diseases

2. Kidney Diseases

3. Stroke- Paralysis.

How to Know?

Get regular monitoring of Blood Pressure after age of 35 years.

One in 8 women can have hypothyroidism! 

Thyroid hormone is required for normal functioning of the whole body.

Lack of this hormone can cause hypothyroidism. Symptoms can be

1. Mood Swings

2. Irregular Periods

3. Weight Gain

4. Lethargy, fatigue.

8 out of 10 women are anemic, that is low hemoglobin which can weakness and fatigue!

So why wait, get your mother tested today.

If you book the next two days you get 50% discount*.

*Conditions Apply.

Offer available only in Bangalore.

Call us on 889250557 or just send a mail with subject "Mother's Day" to with your mobile number. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

World Asthma Day

May 3rd this year is being observed as World Asthma Day!

What is Asthma?

It is chronic inflammation of the airways which can make it hyper-responsive to different things which results in airways narrowing.

Bangalore with its pollens and different allergens makes many people allergic and some people asthmatic.

10% of Bangaloreans are considered to be Asthmatic and 25% of children.

How To Prevent Asthma?

  • Be active without having asthma symptoms.
  • Fully take part in exercise and sports.
  • Sleep all night, without asthma symptoms.
  • Attend school or work regularly.
  • Have the clearest lungs possible.
  • Have few or no side effects from asthma medications.
Read more here

Treatment ?


Thursday, 7 April 2016

World Health Day-Beat Diabetes

It is World Health Day and this years theme is "BEAT DIABETES".

Why this topic?

India is going to the Diabetes Capital of the World and

Bangalore is Diabetes Capital of India!! 

About 15% of Bangaloreans are diabetic.

The good news is that we can do something about it.

What can we do?

Eat Healthy

Walk Daily

For tailored advice get in touch with us. 

You can stay healthy by enrolling in our program which start at as low as One Rupee per day*.

Write at
*Conditions Apply

Friday, 1 April 2016

How To Prevent Falls In Elderly

Elderly are very similar to toddlers. Like infants and toddlers, elders keep falling, have difficulty walking, have speech problems but unlike toddlers the consequences of a fall are very bad.

Image Courtesy: Flickr Sodanie Chea

Falls in elderly can be catastrophic. They can lead to hip fracture, femur fracture, brain hemorrhage. This can lead to hospitalisation and deterioration in quality of life.

How big is the problem?

One in 3 adults above the age of 65 years each year has a fall. The risk increases with each decade.

How to prevent falls?

  1. Having strong legs is critical for avoiding falls. Simple leg and thigh strengthening exercises can go a long way in helping the elderly.
  2. Elderly are prone to postural hypotension, that is there is blood pressure falls when they stand and is not easily adjusted. Postural hypotension can be aggravated by dehydration, some medicines. Some medicines can also cause dizziness and drowsiness. Getting your medication reviewed with doctor can help.
  3. Poor lighting can aggravate vision problems. Ensure that proper lighting is there so that the elderly do not have challenges in seeing properly. 
  4. Use non-slip mats and rugs. Removing spillage in time. Keeping areas dry.
  5. Getting help in doing things which can lead to falls.

You can read more about preventing falls here

  1. CDC
  2. NHS
Want to know more about taking care of your loved ones, call +91 8892505557 or write to us at

Making Life Better

Monday, 7 March 2016

Women's Day - A Submission By One Of You!

A poem submitted by one of our readers when we asked the question in our previous post about what are the top concerns of women!

What Women Want!

A Mother Who Approves
A Father Who Is There
A Brother Who Cares
A Friend Who Shares

A Boy Friend Who Laughs
A Husband Who Makes Me Laugh
A Son Who Respects
A Daughter Who Imitates To Flatter

All I Want Is 
I Want You All!

Photo courtesy: Pixabay

Happy Women's Day-Tell Us Your Top Concern

Every day is a Women's day, men and women both need to acknowledge this and live it!

Most often we fail to understand what women want or what are their concerns. On this Women's day, we want you tell us what are your top concerns.

Image result for working women healthImage result for working women healthImage result for working women health

Tell us what worries you and we may reward you with a surprise gift!

Please click on the below link to fill the form! here